Inline Extractor Fans

Inline Extractor Fans will absolutely remove moisture and reduce the humidity in rooms of your household. They are ideal for homes, bathrooms, kitchens, offices and warehouses and also go by the term duct fan or shower fan. You can rest assured knowing that the perfect inline extractor fan is here for you at Air Con Centre.

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100mm Timer Shower Fan Kit - SF100T

100mm Timer Shower Fan Kit - SF100T

£26.40 (inc. VAT)


How Do Inline Extractor Fans Work?

Inline Fans are mounted inside and connected to ducting for air extraction. They are typically placed inside the attic at a distance away from the bathroom. The way duct fans operate is by boosting the airflow in a room. This will increase how much warm air and cold air enters into a room. One function they have is to regulate heat in multiple rooms, by having two different intake points, with the use of a Y junction. This is especially helpful if you have a large bathroom that needs good ventilation.

Benefits of an Inline Fan

A benefit of Inline Fans is that they have low noise levels. Being located within the ducting inside the attic space, they re not near to the room they are used for. If you have a well-insulated roof, the noise level from the fan is minimal. There are also options even if your roof is not well insulated.

A second benefit of Inline Fans is the fact that they have high power. There are models which have high power motors, which is not always available from ceiling mounted or wall-mounted Extractor Fans. 

A third benefit of shower fans is that they are effective for heat transfer and sub floor ventilation. They are engineered to work with ducting, which means they retain a higher percentage of capacity compared to basic extractor fans. This is very useful for when you want to extract the air from your bathroom, through the ducting and outside the house. 

How to Install an Inline Extractor Fan

The parts you will need to create an inline system are an Intake Vent, Ducting, the Fan, and an External Vent. The intake vent acts as the extraction point for your inline system. It is recommended to buy a vent that will fit the diameter of ducting you intend to use. The ducting is needed to connect the vent to the motor, and the motor to the external vent. For most effective extraction, it is best to keep the ducting as straight as possible. The fan is the main component of your system, and it is imperative to buy one which has a diameter the same size as your ducting diameter. The size of the fan you use is dependent on the application and the size of your room.